McClain Davis
McClain is the North Carolina Forest Service Nursery manager at Clairidge State Nursery. Clairidge Nursery plants, grows, sells and distributes their annual seedling crop to NC landowners and residents for reforestation and afforestation purposes. McClain has been working in forestry for 18 years. His experience ranges from growing agricultural commodities and raising livestock on his family’s farm to seedling research and development with the NCFS Tree Improvement Program to growing and caring for 16 million pine and hardwood seedlings annually at Claridge Nursery.
Dr. Robert Bardon
Dr. Bardon is the Associate Dean for Extension and Professor of Forestry in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at NC State University. A registered NC forester, Robert's expertise includes forest marketing and management, economic development, and compatible land use. He also has experience working in urban forestry. In his capacity as advisor to We Plant it Forward, we will consult with Dr. Bardon on both traditional and urban forestry issues.
Dr. Lucy Bradley
Dr. Bradley is Associate Department Head and Department Extension Leader for the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University. She directs the Consumer and Community Horticulture program which includes consumer horticulture, community gardening, therapeutic horticulture and the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program. In her capacity as advisor to We Plant it Forward, Dr. Bradley helps WPiF connect with the statewide extension network and responds to our questions on native plants and other general horticultural areas.
Dr. Barb Fair
Dr. Fair is a landscaping, arboriculture, urban greening extension specialist and an associate professor in the Department of Horticultural Sciences at NC State University. A certified arborist, Dr. Fair is an expert in woody plant identification and selection, maintenance, and planting. Her research focus is on soil and water use in the landscape. As an advisor to We Plant it Forward, we will consult with Dr. Fair on soil, water and forestry issues.